Year -1 Freshman
  Year -1 Freshman
Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
  Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
MATH101 Calculus I  University C.   3   6 6   MATH102 Calculus II  University C. MATH 101 3   6 6                  
NS101 Science of Nature I  University C.   4   6 6   NS102 Science of Nature II University C. NS 101 4   6 6                  
CIP101N Civic Involvement Projects I University C.   0     1   AL102 Academic Literacies University C.   3     5                  
HIST191 Principles of Atatürk and the History of the Turkish Revolution I University C.   2     3   HIST192 Principles of Atatürk and the History of the Turkish Revolution II University C. HIST 191 2     3                  
SPS101 Humanity and Society I University C.   3     6   SPS102 Humanity and Society II University C. SPS 101 3     6                  
TLL101 Turkish Language and Literature I University C.   2     3   TLL102 Turkish Language and Literature II University C. TLL 101 2     3                  
IF100 Computational Approaches to Problem Solving University C.   3 5   5                                    
*PROJ 201 *Undergraduate Project Course University C.   1 1   1   *PROJ 201 *Undergraduate Project Course University C.   1 1   1                  
TERM TOTAL 17     30   TERM TOTAL 17     29                  
The students have to take *Undergraduate Project Course (PROJ 201 ) on freshman or sophomore year.   The students have to take *Undergraduate Project Course (PROJ 201) on freshman or sophomore year.                  
Year - 2 Sophomore
  Year - 2 Sophomore
Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
  Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
*PROJ 201 *Undergraduate Project Course University C.   1 1   1   *PROJ 201 *Undergraduate Project Course University C.   1 1 0 1                  
ENS 210 Computational Biology Required MATH 101 & IF 100 3 3 3 6   NS 216 Life on Earth Required   3 1 5 6                  
NS 207 Organic Chemistry Required   4 2 5 7   MATH 203 Introduction to Probability Faculty C.  MATH 102 3   6 6                  
MATH 201 Linear Algebra Faculty C.   3   6 6   CORE       3     6                  
NS 201 Discovering Life Required   3 1 5 6   CORE       3     6                  
HUM 2**   University C.   3     5                                    
CORE       3     6                                    
TERM TOTAL 20 7 19 37   TERM TOTAL 13 2 11 25                  
The students have to take *Undergraduate Project Course (PROJ 201 ) on freshman or sophomore year.   The students have to take *Undergraduate Project Course (PROJ 201 ) on freshman or sophomore year.                  
Year - 3 Junior
  Year - 3 Junior
Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
  Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
BIO 321 Biochemistry I Required NS 201 & NS 207 4   7 7   BIO 301 Introduction to Molecular Biology Required BIO 321 4   7 7                  
BIO 303 Genetics Required NS 201 4 2 5 7   BIO 332 Cell Biology Required BIO 321 4   7 7                  
SPS 303 Law and Ethics University C.   3     5   MATH 306 Statistical Modelling  Core MATH 203 3   6 6                  
FREE     3     6   FREE       3     6                  
CORE       3     6   AREA     3     6                  
CORE       3     6                                    
TERM TOTAL 20 2 12 37   TERM TOTAL 17 0 20 32                  
Year - 3 Junior
Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
BIO 395 Internship Project Required PROJ 201   5 0 5                                    
Year - 4 Senior
  Year - 4 Senior
Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
  Course Code Course Name Course Type Prerequisite Courses SU Credits Enginering
Credits (ECTS)
Basic Science
Credits (ECTS)
ENS 491 Graduation Project (Design) Required BIO 301 or BIO 303 1 2   2   ENS 492 Graduation Project (Implementation) Required ENS 491 3 5 0 5                  
BIO 306 Microbiology Core BIO 321 & BIO 332
& BIO 332
4   7 7   FREE       3     6                  
FREE       3     6   AREA       3     6                  
FREE       3     6   CORE       3     6                  
AREA       3     6   CORE       3     6                  
CORE       3     6                                    
TERM TOTAL 17 2 7 33   TERM TOTAL 15 5 0 29                  
      TRACK ELECTIVE COURSES                                
DESCRIPTIONS: These are not official tracks but are suggestions for those interested in concentrating in a particular area in Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering .                          
1. Suggested Courses for Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering and Molecular Biology Track           2. Suggested Courses for Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering and Bioinformatics Track                          
Course Code Course Name SU Credits ECTS           Course Code Course Name SU Credits ECTS                          
BIO 335_*S4 Analytical Techniques 3 6           CS 201_*S3 Programming Fundamentals 3 6                          
BIO 363_S5 Ecology 3 6           CS 204_S4 Advanced Programming 3 6                          
BIO 322_S6 Biochemistry II 3 5           CS 210_S4 Introduction to Data Science 3 6                          
BIO 308_S6 Plant Physiology 3 7           MATH 204_S4 Discrete Mathematics 3 6                          
BIO 310_S6 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3 6           CS 300_S5 Data Structures 3 6                          
BIO 452_S7 Immunology 3 6           BIO 310_S6 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3 6                          
BIO 407_S7 Multicellular Organization 3 5           CS 301_S6 Algorithms 3 6                          
BIO 467_S8 Signal Transduction 3 6           CS 412_S7 Machine Learning 3 6                          
*Semester no                                                  
3. Suggested Courses for Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering and Bioengineering Track           *Semester no                                
Course Code Course Name SU Credits ECTS                                    
CS 201_*S3 Programming Fundamentals 3 6                                    
MATH 202_S4 Differential Equations 3 6                                    
CS 210_S4 Introduction to Data Science 3 6                                    
BIO 335_S4 Analytical Techniques  3 6                                    
ENS 202_S5 Thermodynamics 3 6                                    
ME 437_S8 Biomechatronics 3 6                                    
*Semester no